If you wonder why this page exist: I always wanted more than one watchlist, so I could sort them by categories or whatever. If you click on "Related changes" to your left, you get a site which shows every recent edits made for the articles that are linked from this article. I found this lately, which uses this feature have a small watchlist over the article the user created. I use this method to create a few sub-watchlists for me to keep my overview of things. :-)
- ApocalypticaTalk:Apocalyptica
- Blind GuardianTalk:Blind Guardian
- Bloodhound GangTalk:Bloodhound Gang
- Die Fantastischen VierTalk:Die Fantastischen Vier
- Die Toten HosenTalk:Die Toten Hosen
- Dover (band)Talk:Dover (band)
- HammerFallTalk:HammerFall
- Machinae SupremacyTalk:Machinae Supremacy
- Malice MizerTalk:Malice Mizer
- Manowar (band)Talk:Manowar (band)
- Marilyn MansonTalk:Marilyn Manson
- Moi Dix MoisTalk:Moi Dix Mois
- RammsteinTalk:Rammstein
- Red Hot Chili PeppersTalk:Red Hot Chili Peppers
- SeeedTalk:Seeed
- Skyclad (band)Talk:Skyclad (band)
- Wir sind HeldenTalk:Wir sind Helden