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User:Nateji77/Comments of Japanese farmings

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Comments of Japanese farmings:

still having,only the 16% of land( near at 23,000 square miles) if use for agriculture,the 45% of workers well remunerated living of farmings.the media term of familiar farms if the 2,5 acres of extension.aproximatelly 1/3 of peasants are owners of your proper farms,why are reduced,in special in south populated zone. the rest are renting or landowners.the majority of peasants debt to work for count of rentings or landowners,additionally these peasants debt to paying higth taxs at difference of residents in cities.farmers receiving one proportional annual paying of 150 Us Dollar,the Japanese farm family stay in hand of great Zaibatsus why controled of fertilizer factories and farm instrument stores.the poverty of Japanese farm lands making why much youngs arriving to cities in finding of best works in industry or in case of womens are recruit how "Geisha Girls" in local bordellos.but these advantages the Japanese farmer are more worker and poses more resources how demostrated the overseas japanese in other countries.

the middle part of Japanese cultivated lands stay dedicated to rice,1/4 to grains and cereals and other part at fruits and garden vegetables.the rice production in japan stay in one 15% of world production,why in Honshu the subtropical climate favoured the double recolection.additionally japan import great quantites of these grain from your exterior provinces and nearest areas for your local comsumption.another cereals in importance are wheat,mice,rye,Millet(in North Honshu and Hokkaido)Barley,potatoes and some production of Soybean.

with only 1,500,000 horses for farmings the animal economy and local harvesting stay in low level.in Japan are more common(how in other asian lands) why human being making somes farming animal works.the little quantite of harvest for meat and milk production stay in less 3% for first, the animal fat,1/3 of 1% of Milk 3/4 of 1% and proper animal fat from meat one 2%.debt at these absence and lowest use of sugar,the regular food ration of Japanese are more frugal in the world.